Partner Marketing Readiness
For successful growth marketing, partners need to be "Demand-Ready". We provide personalised concierge services to establish essential marketing foundations.
Differentiated, well-articulated co-sell messaging
Messaging that resonates and clearly describes what the partner does, for whom, and how. We weave in vendor co-sell messaging into simple, clear message blocks.
Delivered through a series on on-line workshops we walk Partners through the process so they have the skills to develop product and campaign message in the future.
Content is still king so keep up with the demand.
Larger buying groups, wider age ranges, and different personas, all looking for evidence at every stage of the buying cycle. We help partners build an asset library with authority and personality.
Ease of navigation, sharp design, SEO-ready landing pages, content, and interaction.
If you are generating traffic you need to ensure you know where your audience land, what action they need to take and what content is available to absorb. We plot a prospect digital journey and build campaign landing pages, or complete Lead Ready websites to engage prospects and capture leads.
Continuing the conversation once a lead has been created
Driving demand will be less effective without a solid plan for lead nurture. We run SDR workshops to review digital campaign results and stuck pipeline to asses where the opportunity accounts are, which content performs best and work with Partners to devise an account strategy to move leads to prospects to opportunities.
The Channel Meet Up is where channel professionals meet, collaborate, share and learn.
The Channel Meet Up is a series of private, face-to-face, events in the UK, Boston and California. The emphasis is on exploring the marketing and channel challenges of the day, with roundtable discussions, panel debates and presentations from analysts and specialists. There is a unique energy and sense of collaboration at the events, followed by CMU Online, available to delegates, 365 days a year, to continue the peer-to-peer learning.


Partner Marketing Enablement

Partner Marketing Concierge

One place to go for all your channel and marketing talent, at the drop of a hat, with or without the headcount. Interim, internal, project or contract, we e bring in the right skills for the task at hand.
Georgina Gilmore
Tony Sheehan - Software AG
Tulin Green - Senior Director, EMEA Marketing
Catherine Heilbron - CEO ReInforece Technology
Jamie Bryant - CEO UK Visas
Join Channel Meet Up Online
Now, you can continue the conversations in our private forum Channel Meet Up Online, a genuinely collaborative platform for sharing, mixing, and mingling with your fellow channel professionals